Samstag, 17. August 2013

Back in Germany...

Hey guys :)

now I'm back here for over 1 is still weird and I'm really sad! I miss my friends, my hostparents and my pets!! I can't believe I'm back here. I wanna cry all day and it makes me feel horrible.

I really wanna go back...but I can't.

Being in school is really strange because I actually have to do the homework and all that stuff. I miss that relaxed New Zealand school...

I think this will be my last post because there won't be anything interesting about my life anymore.

Good bye :)

Montag, 29. Juli 2013

Back home :)

Hey guys :)

I'm back in Germany now and I've been here for 5 days now and it doesn't feel like I'm home. I have the feeling that I'm just here for holidays and then go back...
In that moment, where I will go to school I think I will realize I'm not going back...
It is a great feeling to have my family and friends back, but there is a family and friends are missing and they are back in New Zealand. :/
I miss them already and that is awful.!!
Never mind...I ahve to live with it.

Good bye and see ya :)

Montag, 22. Juli 2013

Hey guys :)

Now I've been in Los Angeles for 5 days already and tomorrow my brother and me are leaving again and heading back to Germany :)

Los Angeles is an amazing city and I could actually live here.
We visited so many things and it feels like we've been here for ages :D

Hollywood sign, Walk of Fame, Hollywood museum, tour around Hollywood, chinese theatre, Santa Monica, Venice, Malibu, Downtown, Petersen Automotive museum, ... don't know if I wrote everything, but I think we did everything important. :))
I just love L.A., but I miss New Zealand already and it is hard to think about it.

Good bye and see ya :)

Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013

Last day in New Zealand

Hey guys :)

so my last day in New Zealand is over. As well it was my borthers birthday and we had a nice time together.

This will be almost my last post and I hope you enjoyed reading my blog.

Good bye and see ya :)

Samstag, 13. Juli 2013

50th post :)

Hey guys :)

so my time here in New Zealand is almost over...
Yesterday was my last day of school it was the sadest day I have ever had in my entire life because I had to say good bye to so many people and I'm not even sure if I will ever see them again :(
In the night my brother arrived and it was really nice to see him again. :)
I really like it that my brother is here, but I just start realizing, that I'm leaving what is really sad.
It doesn't feel like 6 months at all. Maybe 2 but not 6 ...
4 days and then I'm on my way to L.A.! :))

I'm really looking forward to that :D

I had a great time here in New Zealand and I hope I will come back one time and see all my friends again <3

Good bye and see ya :)

Samstag, 6. Juli 2013

Leaving soon...

Hey guys :)

so just 10 days left until I leave New Zealand. I just can't believe it...I still have the feeling I just arrived here. Or at least it doesn't feel like 6 months at all.
5 days until my brother comes here.
At the moment he is in Sydney and on Tuesday morning then he is flying to Auckland. There he is staying with the same people as I did in April.
Friday night he is arriving here in Wellington then :)

Friday night I slept at Ellas and we watched some movies. On Saturday then we went to Porirua with my hostmum to buy a suitcase for me because I just bought too much stuff here and I need a second one. :D
After that we went to Wellington and watched the rugby :) It was the Hurricanes against the Highlanders. Unfortunately the Hurricanes lost 44-49 :S it was a really good game because in the beginning it looked like they would loose with 20 points, but then the Hurricanes got better, but in the end they lost. :(

Tomorrow I will go to Dressmart, after I haven't gone there for 6 months :P and then to Wellington with Secil :)

Good bye and see ya :)

Sonntag, 30. Juni 2013

Hey guys :)

so I was sick on Thursday and Friday and so I was worried if I can even go to the formal, but in the end I did go and I had a great night :)

My form class :) 

After the formal I went home and the next day it was Susans birthday and Kellys babyshower :) I think it is kinda a New Zealand tradition to have something like that :D we played funny games and ate nice lunch :) 

Now there are just 17 days left until I leave and 12 until my brother comes *-* I actually can't believe it...

Good bye and see ya :) 

Freitag, 21. Juni 2013

My Friday and my weekend :)

Hey guys :)

so yesterday we had a day off school because it was too dangerous to go to school (it wasn't really) :P
There are three German students staying here for 4 days because they are soon leaving as well and they wanted to look around Wellington.
Since I had nothing to do I went with them to Wellington and went to "Te Papa", drove up with the Cable Car and showed them a little bit of Wellington. :)
In the night we actually wanted to go to the Basketball game, but that was cancelled because the other team couldn't fly down here because of the storm.
Ella, Gunn and Charlie were coming as well and so we decided, that we will go and watch a movie. First we went to "Nandos" for dinner and then to the movies and watched "World Z War" with Brad was soo scary but good at the same time. You should watch that movie, but not when you are scared of Zombies ;)

Today I will go to the Porirua mall with Gunn to fix our nails and afterwards to the gym. Then back home to fix myself and eat dinner and then back in town with two of the Germans and Gunn :)
Will be a great day whereas the weather is terrible.

Good bye and see ya :)

Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2013


Hey guys :)

holy shit the weather at the moment *_*
It is raining like hell and we have a biig storm. Our school is even closed because it is to dangerous to come there!!
The weather is quite scary and it is not normal..
Hopefully the weather gets better and I can go to the basketball game tonight ...

and in Germany it is 30 degrees and they are all too warm :(

Good bye and see ya :)

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013

Rain, rain and more rain ...

Hey Guys :)

the weather at the moment is terrible. It is freezing and it doesn't stop raining! That is one thing I'm looking forward to in Germany :D summer again :)
Tonight the rain was so strong that I woke up and thought the roof will break. I have never had that heavy rain before in my entire life and it was kind of scary.
And in the weatherforecast they say it just gets worse and I can't belive it can get worse because there is water everywhere on the roads and sometimes I have the feeling I have to swim to some places :P
I'm in the school at the moment and have nothing to do because my class has to do an assesment and because I'm leaving so shortly I don't have to do it.:D

Good bye and see ya :)

Sonntag, 16. Juni 2013

My weekend :D

Hey guys :)

so on Saturday I went to the movies with Gunn and we watched "After earth" with Will Smith. The movie wasn't that great it was okay but not really exciting.
Today Susie was here and woke me up again :S hate when she does that.
After I had breakfast we went to Porirua and I bought some staff I needed. :)

Just 2 weeks until the formal *_* soo excited :D and 4 until my brother comes. <3 and so 4 1/2 until I leave :(

Good bye and see ya :)

Freitag, 14. Juni 2013

Leaving in 1 month *-*

Hey guys :)

how you may know I'm leaving in 33 days. :(
I don't want to leave or at least not yet. Yes of course, I'm looking forward to go back to Germany and have my normal life again, but I will just miss all this so much. My friends, the people, the scenery and just everything about New Zealand.

On the 12th of July so in 28 days, my brother is coming here and I'm so excited. :)
In 5 days, which are left then I'll show him Wellington and then we will leave :(, but on our way back to Germany, we are going to L.A.!!! SOOO excited :D

6 days there and then back home <3

I think I'll cry soo much when I'm leaving, just because I know I won't have this again. I hate that feeling, but I can't change it so I'm just enjoying the last few weeks.

Just THREE weeks left to the formal and I'm soo looking forward to that :))

Good bye and see ya :)

Montag, 10. Juni 2013

Can't put up a video of the Music Assesment :(

Weekend and my monday :)

Hey guys :)

so on Saturday I went to Wellington with my friends Gunn and Ella to go shopping and after that to Porirua to have dinner :) We ate curry and after that we went to Tessas and the others slept there and went in their Spa pool. Gunn and I went home because we were to tired.
On Sunday I relaxed and in the night I went for a swim with Gunn :D
hahaha always Gunn ;)
Today I went to school and we performed our Assesment for Music. Video later ;)
After school Gunn and I were going to the gym and we had our first meeting with the personal trainer. He showed us how to do the exercises but after all we were just talking :P

Good bye and see ya :)

Was a great day <33

Gunn and I <3

Crazy girls :P 

Love you guys heaps :*

Sonntag, 2. Juni 2013

Some News

Hey guys :)

so I found out my foot is not broken and I'm really happy about that. I "just" pulled my ligaments. It will take ages to heal, but at least I don't have to wear a cast anymore.

That is what I have to wear the whole time now because my foot is unstable. 

Only 44 days left until I'm leaving New Zealand and that freaks me out. I start thinking about packing my suitcase and about my life back in Germany and so is horrible. I still don't want to leave New Zealand, but I have to and all my friends don't want me to go. I hate this at the moment, but I'll just enjoy my last weeks here and don't think about it. 
On the 12th of July my brother is coming *-* I'm really looking forward to that.
I will show you Wellington and then on the 17th we will leave together and fly to L.A. <3
I'm soo excited, but I'm still sad about leaving. :( 

Good bye and see ya :) 

Freitag, 24. Mai 2013

Nayland and this exciting week.

Hey guys :)

so on the weekend I went to the Nayland exchange and it was quite fun. :) We won the whole exchange, but we lost our basketball game. :( I that basketball game I hurt my ankle by twisting it. I didn't go to the doctor until Thursday and then I needed to have a x-ray on Friday morning. There they told me it is not broken, but my other doctor, I went to the day before, called me from her home 2 hours later. She told me I have to go to a specialist because there is fluid on the x-ray so they can't really see the bone. My hostfather brought me and my friend, who had the day of to come with me to the Wellington Hospital and went to work. We waited for about 3 hours to find out that the specialist doesn't have time to look on it, so they just in case a cast on my leg and gave me crutches. Next week on Wednesday I have to go back and I have an appointment with the specialist. They think maybe I broke my ankle or I have fracture on it, but for sure I stretched all my ligaments. :S
What a great week aye?!

Good bye and see ya :)

Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013

My week.:)

Hey guys :)

so I've been sick the last two days and wasn't at school. I still don't feel good but a little bit better though :)
Monday and today I would have had Basketball training again, but I want to play on Friday so I didn't go.
Friday we have our second game and it is in the ASB Arena in Wellington and it is a big Arena where are concerts normally. My friends told me there will be many people watching and I hate that...can't change it so have to live with it.
On Saturday evening I'm at the concert of "The Make Believe". It is a New Zealand band and I really like their music. :) (

On Sunday then we are going to our Nayland exchange. It is a sport exchange with the Nayland College in Nelson. I'm really excited :D
More about that next week :)

Good bye and see ya :)

Freitag, 10. Mai 2013

My first week at school again. :D

Hey guys :)

so I'm back at school for one week and it is still the same, just that Hanna is missing :( it is different that she isn't there in lunch time interval and so on...I can't believe she is back in Germany and it just reminds me of going home and that makes me soo sad. I really want to see my family and my friends, but I know I can't stay here and I can't have this life again...

Monday and Wednesday I had my first Basketball training and Yesterday my first game. We lost really high and that was embarrassing, but we haven't played together before so that's fine. We will just practice more and then it is good :)
After the game I went to this concert in my school...we have this band on our school and they are really good and popular ;)
The concert was really good and we had fun :)

Now I will go with Gunn to Wellington and go shopping :D

Good bye and see ya :)

Auckland Pictures :))

Hey guys :)

I know a little bit late but I haven't had time the last week to do it, so here are the photos of Auckland! :D

The flight...

My room :D

The view from the lounge *-*

Auckland :)

Kauri Park.

Me and Katherine :)

Keith and Kathrine (My relatives I stayed with ;) )

Tiritiri Matangi island :) ( a bird island :D)

Harbor bridge in Auckland :)

Auckland Downtown!

On the Skytower :)

Coffee with Kathrine :)

Liam <3 the cutest baby ever *_*

Daniel, just adorable :))

Good bye and see ya :)