Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2013

My Life here :D

Hey guys :)

here some information about my life  here in New Zealand <3

My little Fats/Amy :D my hostfather calls her Fats ;) 

My new cuddle friend <3 he is so cuute :D

Wellington...I love it <3

The view out of the window in the school ;D do you have such a view out of the window in your school? ;)

Crazy to see them in a supermarket on the other side in the world ;)

Today I played Augenbling from Seeed in my Dance class and they found it really funny because I told them that "Auge" means Eye so it is called Eye bling :D it was really funny to see how they react without understanding a word ;)

It's horrible I have muscle ache from my training for this bike trip of my P.E. class. :S Today we had a spinn class in the Porirua City was the most horrible training I have ever done -.- it was really horrible...but I want on this bike trip and I'm so excited and I'm looking forward to this trip but not to the training part!! :D

Good bye and see you :)

4 Kommentare:

  1. Maybe you should have taken a photo before you put all those Maltesers-Buckets in your shopping-trolley...

  2. hahaha I don't want to eat so much :D I didn't buy any of them ;)

  3. Svenni jaaa die sind sooo süß <3
