Freitag, 24. Mai 2013

Nayland and this exciting week.

Hey guys :)

so on the weekend I went to the Nayland exchange and it was quite fun. :) We won the whole exchange, but we lost our basketball game. :( I that basketball game I hurt my ankle by twisting it. I didn't go to the doctor until Thursday and then I needed to have a x-ray on Friday morning. There they told me it is not broken, but my other doctor, I went to the day before, called me from her home 2 hours later. She told me I have to go to a specialist because there is fluid on the x-ray so they can't really see the bone. My hostfather brought me and my friend, who had the day of to come with me to the Wellington Hospital and went to work. We waited for about 3 hours to find out that the specialist doesn't have time to look on it, so they just in case a cast on my leg and gave me crutches. Next week on Wednesday I have to go back and I have an appointment with the specialist. They think maybe I broke my ankle or I have fracture on it, but for sure I stretched all my ligaments. :S
What a great week aye?!

Good bye and see ya :)

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