Freitag, 24. Mai 2013

Nayland and this exciting week.

Hey guys :)

so on the weekend I went to the Nayland exchange and it was quite fun. :) We won the whole exchange, but we lost our basketball game. :( I that basketball game I hurt my ankle by twisting it. I didn't go to the doctor until Thursday and then I needed to have a x-ray on Friday morning. There they told me it is not broken, but my other doctor, I went to the day before, called me from her home 2 hours later. She told me I have to go to a specialist because there is fluid on the x-ray so they can't really see the bone. My hostfather brought me and my friend, who had the day of to come with me to the Wellington Hospital and went to work. We waited for about 3 hours to find out that the specialist doesn't have time to look on it, so they just in case a cast on my leg and gave me crutches. Next week on Wednesday I have to go back and I have an appointment with the specialist. They think maybe I broke my ankle or I have fracture on it, but for sure I stretched all my ligaments. :S
What a great week aye?!

Good bye and see ya :)

Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013

My week.:)

Hey guys :)

so I've been sick the last two days and wasn't at school. I still don't feel good but a little bit better though :)
Monday and today I would have had Basketball training again, but I want to play on Friday so I didn't go.
Friday we have our second game and it is in the ASB Arena in Wellington and it is a big Arena where are concerts normally. My friends told me there will be many people watching and I hate that...can't change it so have to live with it.
On Saturday evening I'm at the concert of "The Make Believe". It is a New Zealand band and I really like their music. :) (

On Sunday then we are going to our Nayland exchange. It is a sport exchange with the Nayland College in Nelson. I'm really excited :D
More about that next week :)

Good bye and see ya :)

Freitag, 10. Mai 2013

My first week at school again. :D

Hey guys :)

so I'm back at school for one week and it is still the same, just that Hanna is missing :( it is different that she isn't there in lunch time interval and so on...I can't believe she is back in Germany and it just reminds me of going home and that makes me soo sad. I really want to see my family and my friends, but I know I can't stay here and I can't have this life again...

Monday and Wednesday I had my first Basketball training and Yesterday my first game. We lost really high and that was embarrassing, but we haven't played together before so that's fine. We will just practice more and then it is good :)
After the game I went to this concert in my school...we have this band on our school and they are really good and popular ;)
The concert was really good and we had fun :)

Now I will go with Gunn to Wellington and go shopping :D

Good bye and see ya :)

Auckland Pictures :))

Hey guys :)

I know a little bit late but I haven't had time the last week to do it, so here are the photos of Auckland! :D

The flight...

My room :D

The view from the lounge *-*

Auckland :)

Kauri Park.

Me and Katherine :)

Keith and Kathrine (My relatives I stayed with ;) )

Tiritiri Matangi island :) ( a bird island :D)

Harbor bridge in Auckland :)

Auckland Downtown!

On the Skytower :)

Coffee with Kathrine :)

Liam <3 the cutest baby ever *_*

Daniel, just adorable :))

Good bye and see ya :)

Sonntag, 5. Mai 2013

Auckland :)

Hey guys :)

I was in Auckland for the last week and was really nice. I met some far away relatives of me and they were really nice :)
On Sunday they just showed me some beaches around their place and then we just talked about family and had a nice dinner.
On Monday then we drove up further north and they showed me a honey factory and a pottery. After that we went to a Kauri forest and walked in a beautiful forest for a while ;)
On Tuesday we went to this Waiwera Hot Pools and it was really cool because there were different temperatures and it was just amazing.
Wednesday I drove with the ferry to an island which is an protective island for birds and it was quite interesting though.
Thursday we actually went to the city and up to the skytower, to the museum and watched a Maori show. After that we went to the Art gallery and since I spent my last night at their daughters place they drove me to their daughters place.
The daughter has a 5 year old girl (who went with her grandmother, so I haven't seen much of her), a 3 year old boy and a 6 month old boy. The two boys are just adorable. The next day we went to the Auckland Zoo and it was really cool, because I saw my first KIWI :D
On the way to the airport we drove to One Tree Hill and it was just an amazing view because you could see whole Auckland ;)
Then I went to the airport and flew back home.

On saturday I went to Wellington to meet Laura who came with me to New Zealand. While we were walking around we met Gunn and Michelle and it was really exciting because we haven't seen each other for two weeks :) We went to meet the others and Laura went home. How planned we went and got dinner and then Ice skating again :D It was really fun though skating in the dark :))
Today I went to my friends place because she is leaving tomorrow :(( she his going back to Germany and it was soo sad :'( I already miss her!

Tomorrow I'm going back to school :/ but better than in Germany though :D
Good bye and see ya :)