Donnerstag, 28. März 2013

Hey Guys :)

yesterday it was the last day of school for five days so we have a long weekend ;) We celebrate that with cinema and sleep over :D We were in the cinema in Porirua to watch the movie "The host" it was a great movie, but for the guys who read the book it is not good how all my friends said because there is much missing and too much on unimportant things -.- But I don't care because I didn't read the book ;)
After the movie we went to a friends house and pulled up the tent in the dark it was difficult though but we've made it :D
Then we were in our tent and talked at 3 o'clock we went to sleep.
The next day we woke up at 10 and I left shortly because I wanted to go with some friends to the waterfront of Wellington. :)
When I came home I found out that Marcella will come for lunch because her family lived here at the bed&breakfast place of my hostfamily and so I saw her again and I met her family, what was really nice because they are pretty funny people :D
After that I almost missed my train to town, but I've made it and met Michelle and Gunn :) Michelle is Kiwi and Gunn is the norwegian girl :D
We went to the waterfront to jump up this thing and the water was like ice water, but first we only jumped up this plank and then Gunn and Michelle jumped up this other thing, but I was too scared because it was 4 meters high and the higher one 8.5 meters :S Gunn made both and Michelle made only the small one but that was high enough for her :D
When you jump up there everyone is looking at you and when you don't jump directly they say:"Jump, jump" and I just think:"Stop it and do it yourself it is really scary!!!"
That were two funny days and I'm still happy to be here in New Zealand :)

Good bye and see ya :)

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