Donnerstag, 28. März 2013

Hey Guys :)

yesterday it was the last day of school for five days so we have a long weekend ;) We celebrate that with cinema and sleep over :D We were in the cinema in Porirua to watch the movie "The host" it was a great movie, but for the guys who read the book it is not good how all my friends said because there is much missing and too much on unimportant things -.- But I don't care because I didn't read the book ;)
After the movie we went to a friends house and pulled up the tent in the dark it was difficult though but we've made it :D
Then we were in our tent and talked at 3 o'clock we went to sleep.
The next day we woke up at 10 and I left shortly because I wanted to go with some friends to the waterfront of Wellington. :)
When I came home I found out that Marcella will come for lunch because her family lived here at the bed&breakfast place of my hostfamily and so I saw her again and I met her family, what was really nice because they are pretty funny people :D
After that I almost missed my train to town, but I've made it and met Michelle and Gunn :) Michelle is Kiwi and Gunn is the norwegian girl :D
We went to the waterfront to jump up this thing and the water was like ice water, but first we only jumped up this plank and then Gunn and Michelle jumped up this other thing, but I was too scared because it was 4 meters high and the higher one 8.5 meters :S Gunn made both and Michelle made only the small one but that was high enough for her :D
When you jump up there everyone is looking at you and when you don't jump directly they say:"Jump, jump" and I just think:"Stop it and do it yourself it is really scary!!!"
That were two funny days and I'm still happy to be here in New Zealand :)

Good bye and see ya :)

Montag, 25. März 2013

Hey Guys :)

I just saw this butterfly in my garden...<3

Tomorrow is my performance of my choreography in dance and I think it will be really embarrassing...but I have to do it and then we will start something new and I'm looking forward to that :D

Good bye and see you :)

Freitag, 22. März 2013

Hey guys :)

Ferry terminal in Wellington :)

On the ferry <3

The first Motel :D was fun ;)

View on top of the hills ;)

My girsl :D you've made my trip <33

Me in front of the scenery :)

Lunch...horrible picture :P

Coming to the stops ;) (That's me in the front ;) )

Chips while stopping :D 

The whole group ;)

4th day it was colder...therefore the jackets! -.-

5th day in the rain...horrible day :S (I'm the second one) 

Good bye and see ya :)

Bike trip details :D

Hey Guys :)

here are the details of the bike trip :)

So on Thursday morning the 14th March my hostparents gave me a ride to the ferry terminal in Wellington. We should meet there at 7.25 so we had to leave here at 6.40 and that was too early for me :P but I've made it and so we were at the ferry terminal. First we should put our bikes in a line against a fence so we can go fast on the ferry when they ask us to. We put our bags in a van, but it was the wrong one because we had our own one and so we had to bring all the bags back in the right van.
Then we walked our bikes on the ferry and sat down wherever we wanted. I took many photos and it was so beautful. (The pictures will come in the next post) I got sick on the ferry because I get seasick, but it was okay on the way to Picton, but on the way was horrible, but more to that later.
When we arrived in Picton we walked our bikes of the ferry again and walked to an park where we had our lunch and we talkedabout safety and staff. They checked our bikes again and finally we started riding.
We just had 36 kms on the first day what was not much compared to the next days ;) While this 36 ks we had two hills, but they weren't really hills like Mr. Redpath said. I really thought I will was horrible, but I've made it. In the evening we were in three different houses because our group was too big. The boys were in the YHA Havelock what wasn't really nice. A few girls were in the Blue moon, what was discusting because they couldn't have a shower and it felt like they sleep on the street, but my friends and me were in a really nice Motel, where we had our own shower and our own appartment. We had our dinner in the YHA and then we had our first meeting where Mr Redpath told us something about imoortant things. I forgot it already so it wasn't really important :P
The next morning we had breakfast at the YHA again and then our second day started. The three groups were grouped the day before so everyone knew in which one he was. Ella and me were in the middle group, but the most girls were in the slow group. On the first day only boys were in the fast group but on the third day two girls came in that group too.
The slow group started 20 minutes before the middle group and the last group came 20 minutes after the middle group so we arrives all at the same time at the meeting point. We had 75 km to Nelson and that was a easy ride, but there were two big hills and they were really tiring because they didn't stop.
When we arrived in Nelson I was impressed. It was gorgeous. The weather was great so you could see all this beautiful landscape *-*. We stayed at the YHA in Nelson and it was really nice because it was a good position and nice designed. :)
The evening was the same as the day before dinner, and then the meeting.
The next day should be really hard because there were many hills and 100 km to go. And it was, but Ella pushed me up the hills and that was really funny and so I arrived in St. Arnauds safely ;) That night we were in a Backpacker and a Motel again ;) Of course I was in the Motel again :D Our own shower and so on it was relaxed!
I was looking forward to the next day because there were just flat and no hills, but I was wrong. They just said there are no hills but there were, but it was okay because we had good weather and a gorgeous view on the top of the hills. :) In that night we stayed in the Top 10 Holiday park what was okay but not really comfortable because it was small and the showers and the toilets were on the other side of the park. It was okay for one night but not for longer ;)
In the meeting that night we found out that we got kicked of the ferry we should take back home and we have to take the ferry at 10.30 pm so we would be in Wellington at 1.30 am. It was too late but we couldn't change it so we all called our parents/ hostparents if they can pick us up.
The next day used to be the hardest day of the trip, but because it was raining really hard so we couldn't do all the hills without a high safety risk. It would be too wet and too cold for the people who have to wait and so Mr. Redpath decided that it would be too risky and so we just made the short way over the Motorway to Picton. Everyone was happy, but I think now when you're at home it is sad because you haven't done the whole trip. We changed our ferry too, so we were home at 4.30 pm.
The rain was horrible and so cold...While just 36 kms we got as wet as we had a shower and that is not a lie you actually felt like you had a shower with your clothes on!! :S
But now I'm at home and it was a grear experience and I had such a funny and nice time with new people and my friends :)

The pictures are in the next post :)

Good bye and see you :)

Sonntag, 17. März 2013

Bike trip...:D

Hey Guys :)

I will just write a short text about the bike trip the details will come the next days :)

So on the first day we had just 36 km but that was really hard I thought, but then the next day...the hills started and it was horrible, but I knew that wasn't really a big hill -.- on the third day we had two big hills and I thought I would die, but I survived :D the fourth day was easy, it was just flat but 110 km. On the 5th Day we should have done 8 big hills, but it was raining a lot so we couldn't. We just took the main road to picton so we had just 26 km.

1. Day: 36 km
2. Day: 75 km
3. Day: 100 km
4. Day: 110 km
5. Day 26 km

More will come later :)

Good bye and see you :)

Dienstag, 12. März 2013

Bike trip :S :D

Hey Guys :)

so tomorrow we will go on the bike trip :D I'm really excited, but I'm a little bit scared too...Today some guys of the first bike trip were back in school and they didn't look really good, some hast bruises everywhere and injuries on their whole body :S but I will go so I hope I won't fall, but when it doesn't matter. ;)

I won't write something for the next 6 days, but then I'm back and will upload pictures of the bike trip :)

Good bye and see ya :)

Montag, 11. März 2013

Some Pictures of the Rugby game :)

Hey Guys :)

just got the pictures from Friday night :)

Conrad Smith :) All Blacks :D

Julian Savea :D All Blacks ;)

Andre Taylor :)

Good bye and see ya :)

Samstag, 9. März 2013

Bloody Germans :P

Hey Guys :)

my hostfather showed me this in the New Zealand paper :D no wonder, that the New Zealanders think Germans are crazy :P

Haha :D

Good bye and see you :)

Freitag, 8. März 2013

Hey Guys :)

so I did much in the last 3 days and it was all great <3
On Thursday I went with some friends of mine to the Porirua Mall and we were shopping :D again ;) After that we went to a really beautiful park and sat there and ate something. It was gorgeous :)
Yesterday evening I was at my first Rugby game in the Westpac Stadium in Wellington ;) I love RUGBY!! It was really cool, because the Hurricanes won ;) The game was against Christchurch.
Today I was in town with my Norwegian friend and my German friend :) it was great we wanted to eat Frozen yogurt because you don't have the shops here and we went to an Japanese shop, but it was not the normal frozen yogurt...too bad, but so I have something I can look forward to when I come back to Germany ;)
Tomorrow I will go to a BBQ at my hostfather's boss's place :)

Thursday I will go on my bike trip and I'm so excited, because I'm afraid of not being fit enough...But I think it will be a great time so I hope I can enjoy it ;)

My girls <3

My crazy Norwegain :**


Funny evening ;) 

We won :P

Good bye and see you :)

Mittwoch, 6. März 2013

Student ID :D

Hey Guys :)

my student ID just arrived :D I look horrible but doesn't matter ;) Now I can catch a train without paying more for the ticket because they don't believe me that I'm a student. :) It was so annoying :S but now it's over :D

There you go ;)

Good bye and see you :)

Freitag, 1. März 2013

Some new pictures :)

Hey guys :)

today there are just some new pictures :) but I have one thing to say :D I can't believe, that I am here already for nearly 6 weeks. I thought when I came here it will feel so long and now I'm here and I'm afraid of being home 'tomorrow' again. :S I want to enjoy my time here and I ant that it feel like 6 months and not 6 weeks...I feel like I left home one week again!! :(

Clarri and me skypen :) Australia and New Zealand :D

Sweet little Tawa :)

again :) 


Ballet :) Made to move ;)

My dance class :D

Alijah, Nanave and me <3

Alijah and me <3

Good bye and see you :)