Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2013

Some Pictures :)

Lovely Wellington :) <33


We had a great time together :D <3

Hey guys :) 

So first day at school is over :D 
The school is so big I have not found my classroom :P 
We started today with form time and two girls show me and another german exchange student the school. They were very nice :)

Then my normal timetable began and it started with English and I'm not in a English class for exchange I'm in a real English class and it was crazy because they talk about things I never heard from before!! :D 
After that I had P.E. and we spoke about a bike trip in march!! The bike trip is from Picton to Nelson and therefore we have to go in the sportsclub and go jogging and so on :D but the tour will be great ;)
Then I had dance class and that is really funny because they all dance for 11 years or 10 years and I think they are very good but it is excting...:) 
At next lesson I had Music...and I love Music :D 
But here in New Zealand Music isn't the same as in Germany !!! You compose your own songs and have to play an instrument and that's very good because everyone can do what he wants. And to compose you sit in a room with 30 apple computers and keyboards in front of them...and to compose you play something and then the software write it down :) It is so much fun :P 

So  that was my first day at school! :D

Good bye and see ya :)

Montag, 28. Januar 2013

My school uniform

Hey Guys ;)

Just get my school uniform today :D looks...different :P but it's okay for half a year ;)

For hot days...                                        For cold days...

Good bye and See ya :)

Freitag, 25. Januar 2013

So here it is pretty warm and sunny and at your place?! :D <3

It is great to drink a cold coke while this weather :)
Hey guys :)

now I am here for 3 days and it is soo wonderful <3 everything is great and I'm not homesick yet :D

Today we were playing Paintball with a big group :) it was very funny and very nice :D I was shot four times and it hurt a little bit but not so much as many people say ;) It was great to play because in Germany you can only play when you're older than 18. Here you can play it with 8 :D

After playing paintball we were at a place you can jump in the water!! It was great but it was soo cold :D

Wellington is the most beautiful city I've ever saw because there are many skyscrapers but also a gorgeous landscape <3
Therefore I'm very happy with my choice to stay here whereas it is very windy and in the night it could be very cold but you can take on some jackets ;)

On monday I will get my school uniform and my instroduction to my high school :) I'm looking forward to it because my school is to be very nice and good in sports and that's very good :D My first day in school will be on Wednesday but I don't know yet :P

Good bye and see ya :)

Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2013

 Wellington :)

 The new name for Wellington! It is a sign on the airport ;)

 Yes it is right to say "windy Wellington"

 Wonderful trip with my hostmother and the other girls <3

 The Maoris :D

 Beautiful <3

  Alpacas <3 soo sweet :D

My first impression :)

Kia Ora ! :D (Maori) ;)

Hey guys,

so I got to New Zealand yesterday and it was a long long travel, but it is worth the trouble.
First we can't get here because in London was bad weather and our flight was starting there. So we flew on sunday and were here on Tuesday.

Now I'm here and it is gorgeous. The landscape is so beautiful and my hostfamily is so nice and lovely. I'm only one day here but I love it right now. :D 

This week we have a short introduction into the New Zealand life given from our agency. Next week the school starts and I'm looking forward to it because the school is something else like the german ;) 

New Zealand is the most wonderful place I ever was!!!  I would recommend it to EVERYONE! <3

I hope I'll have a great time here but I think so ;) 

Good bye :)