Dienstag, 26. Februar 2013

Hey guys,
so there are some news, not really important but I thought I can post something new ;)
There are only 2 weeks left to my bike trip and I have to train harder to get fit...but it is so hard. :S
I'm having an japanese hostbrother for two weeks and it is really funny because he can't speak English so it is difficult to communicate but that's alright. He is nice so it doesn't matter :D
In my holidays I will go to Auckland for a week and I'm so looking forward to it because Auckland should be a great city :)

Good bye and see you :)

Sonntag, 17. Februar 2013


Hey guys :)

so I think I won't post so much the next time because there is nothing new and so it would be boring :D

Today I was for a ride with a girl from my school. We both have to train for the bike trip so we said we will do it together ;)

On the 1st of March I will go with my dance class to a ballet in Wellington :) It is called "Made to Move" and I'm so excited :D

Then I will go on the Biology trip...yeahi!! :S :D

And then it will come the bike trip and I think it is exciting but the training is really hard -.-

Sunset <3

Good bye and see you :)

Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2013

Hey guys :)

so I'm very happy here in New Zealand :D I made new friends and I have soo much fun ;)

But every subject here is so difficult without Maths...Maths is boring because they have here in Year 12 the staff we have in year 10 in Germany :S
In Dance I have to create my own choreograhy :D but it's soo difficult -.-
In Music I have to compose my own song!! (AHHH I can't do that!! :D)
It's really difficult, but I don't get credits so it is okay :P

Today I had the Spin class again and it was't as bad as last week, maybe I got fitter this week :P (haha :D)

Valentines Day: :P
The people here are soo funny they love the Valentines Day here in Tawa :D They run around like amor or with red dresses and painted with hearts and staff :) It is really funny ;)

Ich erklär es mal in Deutsch :D Das ist ein Windbeutel mit Schokolade überzogen <3 es ist das beste was ich je gegessen habe ;)

chocolate puffs <3 Love them ;)

Funny Lunch time at school :D

Good bye and see you :)

Sonntag, 10. Februar 2013

Hey guys :)

so this weekend a girl from my agentcy stayed at my place because her hostmother was on the south island :) Her name is Hannah and she is a really nice Girl. I already met her on my introduction week and so it was funny that we were in one hostfamily for one weekend :D We had a great weekend and yesterday we were shopping with Carlotta and some other internationals from the Kaipiti College ;) it was really fun and I think I bought too much but I won't buy anything for the next weeks!! :) Today the daughter of my hostparents was here with her daughter Susi and she is really the cutest girl I ever met!!! :D

Best cookie shop in the world <3

Bought them for 1 dollar each today !!!!! ONE Dollar for MAC!! :D

Me, Susi and Hannah <3 (Isn't it cute?! :D)

Good bye and see you :)

Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2013

My Life here :D

Hey guys :)

here some information about my life  here in New Zealand <3

My little Fats/Amy :D my hostfather calls her Fats ;) 

My new cuddle friend <3 he is so cuute :D

Wellington...I love it <3

The view out of the window in the school ;D do you have such a view out of the window in your school? ;)

Crazy to see them in a supermarket on the other side in the world ;)

Today I played Augenbling from Seeed in my Dance class and they found it really funny because I told them that "Auge" means Eye so it is called Eye bling :D it was really funny to see how they react without understanding a word ;)

It's horrible I have muscle ache from my training for this bike trip of my P.E. class. :S Today we had a spinn class in the Porirua City Fitness...it was the most horrible training I have ever done -.- it was really horrible...but I want on this bike trip and I'm so excited and I'm looking forward to this trip but not to the training part!! :D

Good bye and see you :)

Dienstag, 5. Februar 2013

Meeting new people :D

Hey guys :)

so today the boss of my hostfather came over for tea/dinner and he braught his girlfriend and his daughter :) First his daughter didn't have fun because she didn't understand anything because he only speaks Spanish and then I gave her my Laptop to surf on Facebook and we were chatting the whole evening :D She is a really nice girl and she is so pretty it is depressing...:P she comes from Peru :)
We had much fun and we could only speak with the Google translator and it was really funny :D

Good bye and see ya :)

Sonntag, 3. Februar 2013

It's raining :(

Hey Guys :)

So I have to say if it is raining it rains a lot :S I stood two minutes in the rain and I felt like I had a shower :D
But it's okay one day raining is nothing to the weather in Germany :P Here it is at least warm ;)

Today in my dance lesson we learnt Gangnam Style it was really fun :D

Good bye and see you :)

Freitag, 1. Februar 2013

Some more pictures :)

Gorgeous Wellington <3 

A little bit crazy but this is Wellington in the night :D 

Beautiful Sunset ♥